What is Blockchain - The Santa Claus Perspective

Samson Williams Samson Williams
Posted at 6/30/2018

What is Blockchain - The Santa Claus Perspective

Typically when people ask, “What is Blockchain?” the conversation quickly dissolves into “How” blockchain works. How blockchain works is actually only important to about half of 1% of the top tenth of techies. Business, Thought Leaders and pretty much everyone else pretending to understand how the tech works, should leave those technical elves to their wizardry and focus on the big picture. Being the proverbial Santa Claus. Cause really have you ever actually even heard of Santa doing anything? So why does he exist?

The Santa Claus of Blockchain Strategy

If I asked you “What is the Internet?”, assuming it’s three decades ago, would you run through the technical aspects of how ISP, LAN and DHCP work? Or would you tell me all the cool shit that it will spawn? How would you advise me from a strategic standpoint on how to understand the “www”, to position my business and investments to be relevant, successful and fabulously rich for th...more

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