Ready? The three steps to raising up to $5M in capital for your business via JOBS Act CrowdInvesting.

Samson Williams Samson Williams
Posted at 3/22/2021

The secret to raising money for your business is having money to spend raising money for your business. Thank you for attending my TedTalk on how businesses are using JOBS Act Investment Crowdfunding to raise up to $5M for their business. Note - they’re spending $250k to $500k to do it. 

As you get over the shock of the Sticker Price of how much it costs to raise money for your business below are the Three Steps you need to know to understand why it costs money to raise money. In short, you need to be ready. 

Step 1 - Getting Your Business, Business Ready 

You need to have a BONAFIDE BUSINESS in order to legally raise money for your business. What does this mean if you’ve been in business for a few years or decades? It means you’ve already invested in starting a business and are more than likely 95% Business Ready. 

However, if you’re a StartUp, are you business ready? More likely, if you’re thinking about starting a startup (aka, you’re a wannapreneur) is your star...more

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