This Superpower Enables You to Do Infinite Good

Devin Thorpe Champion of Social Good, The Super Crowd, Inc., a public benefit corporation,
Posted on 1/11/2023 10:33:03 AM

You have a suite of strengths and superpowers. Some you have developed from a young age, reflecting intrinsic abilities. Others, you have developed with discipline and practice. They enable you to do good and make a difference in your community and the world.

You have a superpower you may not have considered. You can invest money in social enterprises that share your sense of mission and purpose. When you do, you enable good to happen that might not otherwise. When things go well, the good continues indefinitely, even as you get your money back—with a profit.

Read the full article here:


On May 10-11, 2023, we’re convening the second annual SuperCrowd23 event. Building on the success of the first event, we’re planning for bigger and better with lots of fun and excitement, along with great networking and so much invaluable content.

At the moment, The Super Crowd, Inc. is offering tickets at a super early bird pricing that is more than half off the full price. As a Superpowers for Good reader, you’re entitled to a 50 percent additional discount, meaning you can get tickets right now for about 80 percent off!

The early bird ticket sales end on January 16. Don’t wait! Register now!

December Meeting Report

Due Diligence Reports and Investment Decisions

At last month’s meeting, we heard diligence reports from club members on three companies, pocstockMana Pacific Inc and amai. The club members discussed the pros and cons of investing and voted to reach consensus investment recommendations for the members.

In December, we took the unusual action of deferring a decision on pocstock to the January meeting.

We don’t announce our investment recommendations. If you’d like to know what we’re seeing, selecting and recommending, please join us on January 17, 2023, at 1:00 PM Eastern. There is no cost to participate; you don’t have to invest anything ever. When members choose to invest, I don’t touch the money and don’t earn any fees, commissions or favors.

New Company Screening

Last month, we took a first look at the following three companies. Club members volunteered to conduct some due diligence and report on all three at our next meeting on December 20, 2022, at 1:00 Eastern.

Next Meeting—January 17, 2023, at 1:00 PM Eastern

Preliminary Consideration of New Candidates

Please join us for the monthly Impact Cherub Club meeting on January 17 at 1:00 PM Eastern. There is no cost or obligation. We’re genuinely having fun! Register here for free.

#impactcrowdfunding #impactinvesting #socialentrepreneurship #socialimpact #ric #communitycapital