Webinar: Wednesday October 27, 2021: 2-3 pm ET: Crowdfunding vs. Venture Capital and Impact Investing

Brian Christie CEO, Brainsy
Posted on 10/26/2021 2:58:15 PM

Webinar: Wednesday October 27, 2021: 2-3 pm ET

This is a public event hosted by the Crowdfunding Professional Association. Members may attend free.

Moderator: Devin Thorpe, Author, VP, Crowdfunding Professional Association (CfPA)

Overview: Sherwood Neiss - Crowdfund Capital Advisors (on VC funding vs Crowdfunding for under-represented groups)


Michelle Thimesch, CEO, Crowdfund Mainstreet (Confirmed)

Dr. Stephanie Gripne,Founder & CEO, Impact Finance Center (Confirmed)

Sergio Paluch, Managing Partner, Beta Boom (Confirmed)
