Even though you can raise up to $75 million dollars with a Regulation A (Reg.A) offering, many issuers do not understand the flexibility of the program. For many, the goal is to raise a set amount of money, but going public and getting listed on the capital markets may make a whole lot of sense as well. In this podcast, Mike Brette from Small Cap Equity Advisors goes over all the dos and donts on how to make the whole process work for you and your company.


Crowdfunding sounds easy, but it isn’t the wild west and there are significant rules and regulations you must follow if you want to do Regulation A correctly, eventually leading to a listing on a capital market such as the OTC. As Mr. Brette mentions on the podcast, you don’t want the SEC knocking at your door.

However, the flexibility associated with Reg.A makes it very attractive to use as a vehicle to go public. But how? What are the nuances here? What kind of advertising can you do? What are the only two legal ways to raise money? What are blue sky laws? What does the S1 filing documentation contain? How is a company valuated? And why are “safe agreements” good or bad? All these questions are answered on the podcast.

In addition, yes, crowdfunding is expensive! But don’t think just because you have a pitch deck or put your deal on a funding portal that the money’s going to start flowing in with you doing nothing. There is no guarantee that your capital raise is going to be successful. You’re going to face obstacles – but listening to this podcast will give you some idea on what these roadblocks may be and how you can navigate them all for best results.

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