When you want to dive deep into the effectiveness of crowdfunding, you go to the guys who wrote the book on it – or at least helped in getting the legislation passed. In this podcast, Woodie Neiss, a partner at Crowdfund Capital Advisors, explains how his company is taking a data-driven approach to equity crowdfunding and explains how investor sentiment has taken crowdfunding from a unknown concept to a $2.5 billion dollar industry!

Listen to "Crowdfunding From A Data Driven Perspective" on Spreaker.

Listen to this podcast as Mr. Neiss talks about how he has created a database on every single company that's raising money online via equity crowdfunding and the impact AI will have in the future - and that includes all the different options these companies have at their exposure thanks to the Jobs Act.

Why is this important? Because there are thousands of companies going the crowdfunding route and before his research, there really wasn't any source that accurately measured the digital footprint that goes into these offerings. With so many offerings, what should investors be looking at? Now you know! Go to Shop.CClear.ai to access the documents tailored to the investment community that Woodie references on the show.

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