• Devin Thorpe
    Devin Thorpe answered 6/25/2020

    What drives your interest in Crowdfunding and/or CfPA?

    Crowdfunding is a tool for solving some of the world's biggest problems. It is frequently used as a tool for financing investment in solutions to climate change. More directly, it serves to fight social inequities, providing female entrepreneurs with fairer financing terms and access to capital. It ... more

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  • Scott McIntyre
    Scott McIntyre answered 6/19/2020

    Why did you get involved in crowdfunding?

    Because I believe supporting entrepreneurship is vital to society, and frankly, humanity, too. Helping others actualize their potential, or even just follow their bliss, is a keen use of technology that has multiplicative, cascading benefits.

    And I also saw that access to gary stage, potentially exp... more

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  • Scott McIntyre
    Scott McIntyre answered 6/19/2020

    Are you aware of any innovative crowdfunding campaigns or platforms designed to help main street business during COVID-19 or beyond?

    I was not aware of anything specifically, but searching Google yielded a bunch of great leads when I simply searched for: Covid Crowdfunding campaigns

    Good luck and thanks for the note.


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  • Ron Costa
    Ron Costa answered 6/18/2020

    Why are you interested in Reg CF / Crowdfunding?

    Reg.CF is by far one of the best ways to get your deal in front of the largest audience of potential investors... plus it's a great gateway to doing a Reg.A+ offering as well! In fact, I think equity crowdfunding is so great, I host and produce an entire podcast relating to it! Thanks for your quest... more

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  • Zachary Robins
    Zachary Robins answered 4/20/2020

    Does the SEC track the crowdfunding investor limits ($2,200 in 12 month period) and what happens if you go over he limit?

    SEC does not track individual investor limits, rather it is incumbent on investors to be compliant with the law. If investors exceed the applicable amount, they may be subject to penalties under the law as well as exposing the issuer to securities violations. 

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  • Samson Williams
    Samson Williams answered 3/23/2020

    Why would you recommend regulated JOBS Act crowdfunding over Securitized Token Offers (STOs)?

    The real question is: 

    What makes you think that Securitized Token Offerings (STOs) aren't regulated crowdfunding? 

    Crowdfunding consist of 3 elements: 

    1. A human looking for money

    2. Goes on the internet and ask strangers for money 

    3. In exchange for their good, product, servi... more

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  • Devin Thorpe
    Devin Thorpe answered 6/25/2019

    Thought Experiment: What do you think Facebook would be like today if it had initially raised the capital it needed via fundraising instead of via traditional VCs?

    Great question. I'll substitute the word "crowdfunding" under the meaning given by the SEC in Regulation Crowdfunding (Reg CF) for the word "fundraising" in your question as I suspect that is the import of your question.

    Facebook would be radically different if it had been financed in its earliest d... more

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  • Samson Williams
    Samson Williams answered 6/22/2019

    What do you think of Facebook's cryptocurrency plan with Libra?

    "What is Facebook's cryptocurrency plan with Libra?"  

    Short answer: Global Domination. 

    Long answer: Well, it depends... 

    First let's break down the question. "Facebook's cryptocurrency plan..." Facebook doesn't have a cryptocurrency plan. It has a business plan that its leverag... more

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  • Charles Adams
    Charles Adams answered 3/13/2019

    If a company that wants to crowdfund is starting from scratch, what's the best way to build your audience?

    That's a great question! It really depends on a few things:

    -What type of crowdfunding are they looking for? Rewards-based, donation-based, or securities (equity or debt)-based? Answering this will make it easier to understand what type of platform to look for.

    -What is their goal with the campa... more

  • Jason Paltrowitz
    Jason Paltrowitz answered 9/20/2018

    What are the minimum revenues that a company would usually have before considering a "Slow PO" on OTC?

    There are a number of pre-revenue companies that have gone this route. So the answer is there is no “Minimum” per se.  
