How does InfraShares differ from other crowdfunding portals?
InfraShares is the only Reg CF Funding Portal focused on raising capital for infrastructure projects. We focus on working with developers of water, wastewater, renewable energy, transportation, and telecom projects to bring investment opportunities to unaccredited investors.
Brian Ross
InfraShares is the only Reg CF Funding Portal focused on raising capital for infrastructure projects. We focus on working with developers of water, wastewater, renewable energy, transportation, and telecom projects to bring investment opportunities to unaccredited investors.
Franz Hochstrasser replied:
Hi Brian-
Raise Green ( is focused on impact investing in clean energy and green infrastructure projects. Raise Green has been in business since 2018 focused on financing infrastructure assets for community-ownership, and social and environmental benefit. Glad to see that you’re also focusing on financing infrastructure, but your claim is false.
Crowdinvestors can come to Raise Green and invest in clean energy projects and energy efficiency infrastructure. We’re all in this together.
Franz Hochstrasser
CEO and Co-Founder
Raise Green, Inc.